Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedures are designed to provide administrative direction for the Division and to be consistent with Board policy.

Table of Contents

AP 100 - General Administration

AP 100 Three Year Education Plan

AP 101 Annual Education Results Report

AP 102 School Education Plans And Annual Reports

AP 103 School And Program Quality Assurance

AP 104 School Reviews

AP 105 Site Based Decision Making

AP 106 Program Reductions

AP 110 School Councils

AP 111 Council Of School Councils

AP 120 Policy And Procedures Dissemination

AP 121 Development And Review Of Administrative Procedures

FORM 121-1 Administrative Procedure Feedback

AP 130 School Year

AP 131 School Day

AP 132 Emergency Closure Of Schools

AP 133 Cold And Inclement Weather

AP 140 Responsible Network Use

FORM: 140-2 PRSDnet Staff Use Agreement

AP 141 Information Security

AP 142 Network Security

AP 143 Technology Standards

AP 144 School Electronic Device Allocation

AP 145 Use Of Personal Owned Devices (PODS)

AP 146 Responsible Use Of Social Media

AP 147 Commercial Electronic Messages (Anti Spam)

AP 148 Technical Support

AP 150 Division Communications

AP 151 Media Relations

AP 152 Dispute Resolution

AP 153 Advertising And Distribution Of Materials In Schools

AP 154 Political Electioneering

AP 155 Event Protocol

AP 156 Visit Protocol

AP 157 Flag Protocol

AP 158 Division Visual Identity

AP 159 Indigenous Territory Acknowledgement Statement

AP 160 Health And Safety Of Students And Staff

AP 161 Communicable Diseases

AP 162 Smoke Free Facilities

AP 163 Environmental Considerations

AP 164 Wellness

AP 165 Emergency Preparedness

AP 166 Pandemic Response

AP 167 Defibrillators

AP 168 Lock Down

AP 169 Trespassing And Loitering In Schools

AP 170 Discrimination And Harassment

AP 171 Prevention Of Workplace Violence

FORM: 171-1 Violence & Threats of Violence Reporting Form

AP 172 Sexual Abuse Allegations

AP 175 Inclusive Practices Students And Staff

AP 180 Freedom Of Information And Protection Of Privacy

AP 181 Electronic Media Surveillance of Facilities, Property, and Transportation Vehicles

AP 185 Records Management

AP 187 Request For An Official Student Record

AP 190 Use Of Copyrighted Materials

AP 191 Copyright And Intellectual Property

AP 200 - Instructional Programs and Materials

AP 200 Organization For Instruction

AP 201 Class Size Guidelines

AP 202 Multiculturalism

AP 205 Controversial Issues

FORM: 205-1 Notice and Student Exemption Form (School to Parent)

FORM: 205-2 Notice and Student Exemption Form (Parent to School)

AP 206 Human Sexuality

AP 207 Opening Exercises

AP 208 Patriotic Exercises

AP 209 Outside Agencies Presentations To Students

AP 210 Early Childhood Services

AP 211 English As A Second Language (ESL)

AP 212 Second Language Programs

AP 213 Inclusive Education Instructional Practices

AP 214 Knowledge And Employability Courses

AP 215 Career And Technology Foundations Studies

AP 216 Off Campus Education

FORM: 216-1 Application for Approval of Work Sites/Stations 

AP 217 Gifted And Talented Education

AP 218 Special Projects

AP 219 Locally Developed Courses

AP 221 Outreach Program

AP 230 Distance Learning Courses

AP 240 Career And Personal Counselling

AP 250 Learning Commons

AP 251 Instructional Materials Selection

AP 252 Challenged Materials

FORM: 252-1 Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources

AP 255 Animals In Schools

AP 256 Service Dogs

AP 260 Off Site Trips, Excursions And Activities

FORM: 260-1 Off Site Activities Parent Approval

FORM: 260-2 Off Site Activities Organizer Approval Form

AP 261 Interschool Athletics

AP 270 Home Education

AP 280 Program Evaluation

AP 290 Research Studies

AP 300 - Students

AP 300 Entrance Age

AP 301 Admittance Of Adult Students

AP 302 Inter System Students

AP 303 Admission Of Non Alberta Students

AP 304 Admission Of Federal Students (Non Resident Students)

AP 305 School Attendance Areas

AP 310 Supervision Of Students

AP 311 Student Safety

FORM 311-1 Physical Activity Letter to Parents

FORM 311-2 Medical Information Form

FORM 311-3 Documentation for a Diagnosed Concussion Return to Learn/Return to Physical Activity Plan

AP 312 Student Safety In Special Areas

AP 315 Incidents To Students

AP 316 Administering Medication And Or Medical Assistance To Students

FORM 316-1 Severe Allergy Alert Form

FORM 316-2 Administering Prescription Medication to Children/Students

AP 318 Pediculosis (Lice)

AP 320 Student Records

AP 321 Young Offenders Information Sharing

AP 322 Legal Custody Of Children

AP 325 Reporting Child Abuse

AP 330 Student Attendance

AP 332 Provision Of Student Personal Care

AP 333 Mobility Supports

AP 340 Specialized Services For Students And Children

AP 342 Appendix Behaviour Continuum Of Supports

AP 345 Provision Of Educational Assistants

AP 346 Home Visits

AP 350 Student Conduct

AP 351 School Bus Rider Conduct

AP 352 Student Harassment And Bullying

AP 353 Interrogation Of Students

AP 354 Searches Of Persons And Personal Property

AP 355 Student Discipline

AP 356 Alcohol, Restricted And Illicit Drug Use By Students

AP 357 Willful Damage Of Property And Restitution

AP 360 Assessment, Evaluation And Communication Of Student Learning

AP 361 Promotion And Placement Of Students

AP 362 Specialized Assessment

AP 363 High School Program Route Course Changes

AP 364 Junior Senior CTS Transition

AP 365 Course Challenge

FORM: 365-1 Course Challenge Application

AP 370 Academic Achievement Awards

AP 375 High School Graduation

AP 380 Student Government

AP 381 Student Activities And Organizations

AP 390 Appeals Concerning Student Matters

AP 400 - Personnel and Employee Relations

AP 400 Staffing

AP 401 Employment Of Relatives

AP 402 Personnel Records

AP 403 Public Interest Disclosure

FORM: 403-1 Complaint of Reprisal Form

FORM: 403-2 Disclosures of Wrongdoing

FORM: 403-3 Disclosure File Cover Sheet

AP 404 Fraud Prevention And Investigation

AP 405 Working Alone

AP 406 Employee Code Of Conduct

AP 407 Alcohol, Drug Abuse Or Chemical Dependency

AP 408 Personal Leaves Of Absence

AP 409 Leave Of Absence For Political Activities

AP 410 Deferred Salary Leave Plan

FORM: 410-1 Deferred Salary Leave

AP 411 Staff Development

AP 412 Local Authorities Pension Plan

AP 413 Annual Holidays

AP 414 Moonlighting

AP 415 Vehicle Plug In

AP 416 Mail And Telephone

AP 417 Recognition Of Service And Employment

AP 419 Employee Resignations

AP 420 Teachers Duties And Responsibilities

AP 421 Instructional Staffing

AP 422 Teacher Growth, Supervision And Evaluation

AP 423 Teacher Induction Program

AP 424 Teacher Professional Development

AP 425 Leave Of Absence For Community Service By Teaching Staff

AP 426 Reduction In Staff

AP 429 Teacherage Rental

AP 430 Role Of Principals

AP 431 Vice Principals And Assistant Principals

AP 432 Principal Growth, Supervision And Evaluation

AP 433 Term Designation Of School Administrators

AP 435 Acting Principals

AP 439 Out Of Province Travel

FORM: 439-1 Out Of Province Travel Approval Form

AP 440 Support Staff

AP 441 School Based Educational Assistant Staffing

AP 442 Evaluation Of Support Staff

AP 443 Support Staff Professional Development

AP 444 Reduction In Support Staff

AP 445 Seniority School Bus Drivers

AP 446 Personal Leave Bus Drivers

AP 447 Transportation Safety Re Drugs And Alcohol

AP 448 Suspension And Dismissal Of Drivers

AP 449 Spare Drivers

AP 450 Organizational Structure

AP 451.3 Role Of Director of Technology Services

AP 452 Role Of Director Of Human Resources

AP 453 Role Of Secretary Treasurer

AP 455.1 Role Of Facility Manager

AP 455.2 Role Of Transportation Manager

AP 456 Role Of Communications Coordinator

AP 457 Role Of Executive Assistant

AP 459 Staff Evaluation (Non Teacher Employees)

AP 460 Substitute Teachers

AP 461 Substitute Personnel For School Based Support Staff

AP 470 Support Staff Job Descriptions

AP 480 Worker Contract Status Determination

AP 485 Custodial Care Of Schools

AP 490 School Volunteers

FORM: 490-1 Annual School Volunteer Registration Form

FORM: 490-3 Annual Driver Application and Declaration

AP 491 Volunteer Coaches And Supervisors

FORM: 491-1 Volunteer Orientation Completion Form


AP 500 - Business Administration

AP 500 Budget Development

AP 501 Working Capital And Reserves

AP 502 Acquisition Of Equipment

AP 503 Tuition And Allowances For Alternative Programs

AP 504 Student Funding Support

AP 505 Division Fees

AP 506 Economic Hardship

FORM: 506-1 Application for Waiver of School Fees

AP 507 Learning Resources And Instructional Resources

AP 509 Lockers And Locks

AP 510 Financial Accountability And Audits

AP 511 Budget Control And Financial Accountability

AP 512 Safeguarding Money And Valuables

AP 513 Expense Reimbursement

AP 514 Salary Payment

AP 515 Purchasing Authority

AP 516 Purchase Card

AP 517 Capital Assets And Tracking

AP 518 Disposal Of Assets

AP 519 Surplus Land And Buildings

AP 520 Fundraising

AP 525 Partnerships

AP 526 Charitable Donations

AP 530 Insurance Management

AP 531 Student Accident Insurance

AP 535 Investment Parameters

AP 540 Planning For School Facilities

AP 541 Naming Of Facilities

AP 542 Maintenance And Repair

AP 543 Keys And Access Systems

AP 544 Handling Of Hazardous Materials

AP 546 Renovations

AP 547 Building Security

AP 550 Community Use Of School Facilities

AP 560 School Bus Operations

AP 561 School Bus Schedules

AP 562 Transportation Service Areas

AP 563 Transportation For Off Site Excursions

AP 565 School Bus Accident

AP 566 Bus Plug In

AP 569 Use Of Buses For Non School Purposes

AP 570 Equipment Maintenance

AP 580 Employee Use Of Repair Shop And Garage Facilities

AP 585 Driver Safety

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