Kindergarten and Early Learning

Important Information

Entrance Age

A beginning student must attain the age of five (5) years on or before December 31 of the school year in which the student applies for admission to a Peace River School Division kindergarten program.

A beginning student must attain the age of six (6) years on or before December 31 of the school year in which the student applies for admission to Grade 1.

To find out when your child can start kindergarten, enter their birthday in our Kindergarten calculator below.

Your child may begin kindergarten in September of

Early Learning Intervention Program

What does the PRSD offer?

PRSD continues to work with Alberta Education to offer inclusive early learning intervention supports for for children 2 years, 8 months to 6 years of age. This collaborative effort results in flexible and responsive programs in schools throughout the division.

Early intervention is available to children who will be three by the end of the current school year and who have been diagnosed by a qualified professional with a severe speech or language, physical, emotional, behavioural, or intellectual delay. Supports for children with a mild or moderate diagnosis become available the following year, when the child will be four before the end of the current school year.  

The inclusive early learning intervention program is designed to help a child with a disability to build knowledge and skills. PRSD follows the guidelines and regulations set out by Alberta Education to enable and promote opportunities for families of three- and four-year-old children to obtain specialized services at a local school.

We are here to support growth and confidence in all children

After a child is enrolled in the early learning intervention program, individual goals for the child are established and developed throughout the year. In PRSD schools, young learners are active partners in education - learning while playing, developing, and gaining skills.

Peace Collaborative Services staff work for PRSD to offer speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and educational psychology. The school-based and division-level Learning Services Team members collaborate to build capacity for success of all early learning programs. 

To partner with us and access these services for your child, contact the PRSD Early Learning Coordinator.

Parent Involvement

We believe that it takes a community to raise a child, and in our schools, we take a team and family approach to teaching and learning. The involvement of, and communication with, our families is very important to the success of a child. In PRSD schools, there are many ways for parents to be involved and for the school and families to interact.

To learn how you can become a volunteer in a PRSD school, click here.

Kindergarten Programs by School

École Springfield Elementary School


Springfield School offers full-day kindergarten programs in both French Immersion and English. Parents do have the option of enrolling their child part-time, however we have found that most of our families do choose to utilize the full-day program.

Children should be five years old as of December 31 to register. 


  • Child-centered learning
  • Timely assessment of skills reported to parents
  • Quality lessons/centers designed to give the students the necessary skills to be successful in Grade 1
  • Current technology in the classrooms including computers and SmartBoards

Students Take Part In:

  • Numerous Field Trips
  • Music Class
  • Assemblies
  • Library Class
  • Christmas Concert
  • Computer Class
  • Book Bag Program
  • Gym Class

Grimshaw Public School

Students in kindergarten experience their education through a play-based program focused on early literacy and numeracy, citizenship and identity, environment and community awareness, personal and social responsibility, physical skills and wellbeing, creative expression and information and communication technology.

Grimshaw Public School offers:

  • a mornings only program
  • a Monday/Wednesday program
  • a Tuesday/Thursday program
  • a full-day program.

Lloyd Garrison School

Lloyd Garrison School offers kindergarten programming Monday through Friday from 8:55 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.

The first two weeks of school always involve a staggered entry to provide students with gradual exposure to full days of schooling. Children must be 5 years of age on or before December 31 of the entry year.

As we are a public school with a Mennonite focus, we offer classes that reinforce and support traditional Mennonite culture and beliefs.

Students will participate in:

  • Daily devotions (singing and prayer)
  • Student-centered instruction in foundational literacy and numeracy skills, setting them up for success in Grade 1
  • Daily physical activity
  • Field trips within the community and region
  • Monthly assemblies
  • Christmas and Spring concerts
  • Library class

At Lloyd Garrison School, we provide a safe, respectful, inclusive learning environment for your child.  Our high quality instructors and family atmosphere will ensure your child has a great start on their educational journey.

Menno Simons Community School

Red Earth Creek School

Red Earth Creek School offers full-day kindergarten programming from 8:55 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.

Keep an eye out for our kindergarten planning days, these days are scheduled to provide our kindergarten facilitator time to update and sanitize centers. There are approximately six planning days scheduled per year, these will be listed on our monthly calendars as well as in your students welcome package when they are registered.

Children are required to be five years old as of December 31 to register. 

Red Earth Creek Schools kindergarten program offers:

  • Child-centered learning
  • Play-based learning opportunities
  • Center-based approach
  • Hands on activities
  • Assessment of skills communicated to parents regularly

Students are provided the opportunity to take part in:

  • Art activities
  • Assemblies
  • Christmas concert
  • Library 
  • Gym class
  • Outdoor play
  • Large and small group literacy and numeracy activities
  • Buddy reading and learning based activities with our Grade 1-7 students

Worsley Central School


Worsley Central School offers full-day kindergarten on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays with a staggered start. This means that we don't add in that Friday until part way through September. 

Children should be five years old as of December 31 to register. 


  • Child-centered learning
  • Timely assessment of skills reported to parents
  • Quality lessons/centers designed to give the students the necessary skills to be successful in Grade 1
  • Current technology in the classrooms including opportunities to use iPads
  • Multi-grade classes to ensure a full and rich experience

Students Take Part In:

  • Art Class
  • Music Class
  • Assemblies
  • Library Class
  • Christmas Concert
  • Gym Class
  • Large group literacy and numeracy activities using the most up-to-date research and evidence based programs
  • Small group literacy and numeracy activities based on each child's individual needs

Dixonville School

EE Oliver Elementary School

EE Oliver Elementary School offers a Monday/Wednesday program and a Tuesday/ Thursday kindergarten program. 

Our play-based learning program provides children with a variety of learning activities to help them investigate, ask questions, solve problems, collaborate and think critically. The day is structured with blocks of play time - both indoors and outdoors. Children will have access to learning areas including dramatic play, art, building, reading, creating and investigating. Intentional play activities are included along with time where the teacher will observe and engage children in their own play to enhance their learning.

Students take part in:

  • Library
  • Gym
  • Assemblies
  • Field Trips
  • Christmas Concert
  • Outdoor Play
  • Music and Movement

Hines Creek Composite

Manning Aurora Composite School

Manning Aurora Composite School's kindergarten program runs full days Monday through Friday.

Children must be five years old as of December 31 to register.


  • Child-centered learning
  • Timely assessment of skills reported to parents
  • Engaging learning centers and lessons designed to give students essential skills
  • Access to current technology
  • Community field trips
  • Visit to both school and public libraries
  • Participation in special events like Christmas concerts, assemblies, and spirit days
  • Music classes (including violin instruction)

Nampa Public School

Bear Canyon Colony School

For more information, please contact Bear Canyon Colony School at 780-835-9257

Cleardale Colony School

For more information, please contact Cleardale Colony School at 780-268-0022

Breaking Point Colony School

For more information, please contact Breaking Point Colony School: 780-836-4236

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