Community Helpers

The Community Helpers Program provides opportunities to strengthen support skills and learn more about mental health issues and suicide prevention. It encourages youth and  adults to ask for help when they need it. 

What is the Community Helpers program?

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Becoming a Community Helper

Through training, participants learn: 

  • About issues affecting youth and young adults
  • How to recognize when someone needs help and feel confident offering it
  • How to encourage youth and young adults to ask for help when they need it
  • Community supports, treatments and resources available
  • How to identify mental health issues and reduce stigma
  • About suicide prevention

Program Modules

The Community Helpers Program consists of 9 core modules that participants complete to receive certification as a Community Helper. Additional modules are available by request and can be delivered to participants already certified as Community Helpers, or to groups with a special interest in the content.

The 9 core modules are: 

  1. Orientation
  2. Ethics, Assumptions and Supports
  3. Setting the Stage for Helping
  4. Helping as a Process
  5. You can Help Yourself Too
  6. Boundaries and What to Do About Them
  7. How to Respond in a Crisis
  8. Mental Health Awareness
  9. Understanding Suicide 

Additional Modules

  • Stress and Coping
  • Self-Esteem, Self- Image and Social Media
  • Health Relationships and Sexual Health
  • Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression Awareness (How to be an Ally)
  • Use, Misuse and Addictions - Substances and Processes
  • Grief and Loss
  • Learning and Education Concerns
  • Abuse and Conflict
  • Career and Work Concerns


More Information

How Long is Training?

Training is flexible but typically includes nine modules that can be delivered in one day; two half days, weekly for nine weeks or once a month for nine months. A three hour condensed version for the program can be offered as well. Certificates are awarded upon completion.

The training can take place in-person or online.

To find a training scheduled near you or to bring CHP to your school, organization, or workplace contact CHP Facilitator, Lilli Lundgard or call 780-624-3603 ext. 10152

Training Opportunities

The following workshops are including the core 9 modules of the Community Helpers Program. Learn how to support your children, your friends and your co-workers during challenging times and join one of the following trainings.

All events are FREE of charge.

Online Workshops

The following offerings cover the core modules of the Community Helpers Program in a condensed, three-hour format.

These courses are available as professional development to any company, or as personal development for any interested individual.

To register click on the registration link for the preferred date, or contact Lilli Lundgard.

In-Person Workshops

Ping Pong FUN for the Entire Family: October 5, 2024 

  • Atrium, Grimshaw Shared Schools Facility
  • No registration needed
  • Join us for a get together - table tennis blades will be provided or bring your own

FREE Professional Development: October 18, 2024 

A Workshop for Everyone: November 12, 2024 

  • Open to both businesses and individuals
  • Expand your skills on a personal or professional level
  • Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
  • From 5 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Register here

How to Support Your Teens: November 21, 2024 & February 11, 2025

  • Peace Region Family Resource Network, Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
  • From 6 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Interactive workshop for parents and their teens 14 to 18
  • Pizza provided
  • To register, please call: 780-624-0770

PRSD Teacher & Support Staff Professional Development

Available Courses

In-Person: November 8, 2024- Grimshaw Central Operations 

9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.     ► Register here

Online: (3-hour Condensed Training) January 9, 2025

12:30 to 3:30 pm     ► Register here

Community Helpers Program

Lilli Lundgard

Community Helpers Program Facilitator

More Details

Contact Staff Member

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