Emergency Procedures

PRSD Wildfire Procedure Guide

A wildfire starts nearby, now what?

The Peace River School Division follows the direction of our municipal leaders whenever a fire, or other natural emergency, occurs in one of our school communities.

In the event that any number of student homes are affected by a road closure or evacuation order, our Transportation Department will call the affected families to notify them of any changes to busing. Families who do not receive a phone call will have their students dropped off as per their regular transportation arrangements.

All bus cancellations and delays can be viewed by visiting https://prsd.mybusplanner.ca.

If a school evacuation becomes necessary


  • Please DO NOT call the school. Our telephone system must remain available for emergency communication. We will contact you to provide instructions on where and when to pick up your child.
  • Please DO NOT come to the school unless you are instructed to.


  • If a school evacuation becomes necessary, students will be transported home via early dismissal or to parent-child reunion location. All parents and guardians will be notified if this happens.

Where to find Updates: 

  • We will post all school and transportation updates on our websites and Facebook pages, in addition to sending emails, text messages, and/or phone calls to all affected families.

Parent-Child Reunion Procedure:

  • Parents/Guardians will be notified regarding the location for parent-child reunions
  • Parents/Guardians will need to sign the teacher’s attendance form to ensure all students are accounted for and only released to an authorized legal guardian or emergency contact.
  • Valid ID will be required to pick up a student.
  • Once you are reunited with your child, for your safety you are encouraged to leave the area immediately.


To read the entire Peace River School Division's Emergency Procedure Guide for Parents and Guardians, click HERE


Crisis Response Information

Included here are the four terms we may use in the event of an emergency at a Peace River School Division school. Please read through this section to familiarize yourself with the terms and their related procedures.

1. Hold and Secure

A hold and secure situation is required when a security threat or criminal activity is happening on, or nearby, the school grounds.

  • All exterior doors and windows are locked
  • Normal classroom activities continue
  • No one is allowed in or out of the building

For your safety, all parents/guardians, as well as the public, need to stay away from the school building until the situation is cleared. This situation could evolve into a lockdown or evacuation. Parents will be notified of the evolving situation and how the release of students will occur.

2. Lockdown

A lockdown is required when there is an internal threat of violence.

  • All internal and external doors and windows are locked and secured
  • Staff and students are requested to keep quiet and take cover away from windows, doors, and out of sight lines.
  • No one is allowed in or out of classrooms, or the building.

For your safety, all parents/guardians, as well as the public, need to stay away from the school building until the situation is cleared. Students may be moved to a new pick up location, and parents will be notified when it is safe to pick up their children.

3. Shelter in Place

Shelter in place is used to direct and control movement inside the school building when it is safer to remain inside and/or there is no threat of violence.

  • No one is allowed to leave the designated area until the All Clear has been given, or without permission
  • May be used when a community is experience severe weather, or air quality concerns
  • Individuals at risk will be allowed re-entry.

Parents will be notified via email, calls and text messages. For your safety, all parents/guardians, as well as the public, need to stay away from the school building until the situation is cleared. Parents will be notified of student release procedures.

4. Evacuation

An evacuation becomes necessary when it is safer for staff and students to be outside the building than inside.

  • All students are instructed to proceed to Muster Points
  • Cannot return to building until the All Clear has been provided by first responders.

For your safety, all parents/guardians, as well as the public, need to stay away from the school building until the situation is cleared. Students may be moved to a new pick up location, and parents will be notified of the parent-child reunion procedures.


To read the entire Peace River School Division's Emergency Procedure Guide for Parents and Guardians, click HERE


Air Quality and Outdoor Activity Recommendations

The Peace River School Division follows the advice of the Alberta Government regarding air quality and outdoor activity.

Health Risk AQHI

At-Risk Population
(Elderly, children, medically compromised)

General Population
Low Risk 1-3 ENJOY your usual outdoor activities IDEAL air quality for outdoor activities
Moderate Risk 4-6 CONSIDER reducing or rescheduling strenuous activities NO NEED TO MODIFY your usual outdoor activities UNLESS you are experiencing symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation
High Risk 7-10 REDUCE or RESCHEDULE strenuous activities outdoors. CONSIDER reducing or rescheduling activities outdoors
Very High Risk 10+ AVOID strenuous activities outdoors.

REDUCE or RESCHEDULE strenuous activities outdoors


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