The Peace River School Division believes that every child should have equitable access to the supports they need to be successful. We support inclusive classrooms, and inclusive schools. For the PRSD, inclusion is not just about learners with special needs; inclusion is an attitude and approach that embraces diversity and learner differences and promotes equal opportunities for all learners.
Every student has unique needs which must be met with flexible and responsive learning goals and environments. Peace River School Division strives to support students’ academic, behavior, and social/emotional needs through a continuum of supports in a variety of school settings.
Flexible and responsive supports include:
- Universal supports – strategies and supports incorporated into the environment for all learners, such as flexible learning resources and technologies, differentiated instruction, and positive behaviour supports.
- Targeted strategies or interventions – for learners who need more specialized learning opportunities or access to more targeted support, such as writing accommodations, explicit instruction, or reading intervention.
- Specialized or Individualized supports – supports that directly relate to individual learning needs and may involve external expertise such as the use of alternate and augmentative communication systems (ACC), or mental health support.
All Peace River School Division schools have dedicated Inclusive Education time. If your child needs further support, please contact your local school.