

The purpose of Peace River School Division's (PRSD) Communication department is to present a clear and concise framework for communicating with our school communities, vested individuals and organizations. 

Communication practices in the division encompass and support open and transparent two-way communication through various platforms such as face-to-face, written, digital media and online. This has bridged gaps in the area of communication and has provided open channels of communication within our school communities.

Technology Evolution

Communication practices and procedures in the division continue to evolve in the area of technology. This evolution has occurred due to the division’s desire to embrace technology and engage its stakeholders through various platforms. The use of technology, social media and website utilization to communicate has proved to significantly increase and be relied upon as an effective tool in school and divisional based communication. 

Currently, the Division most often communicates with stakeholders by email, on our news page, and through social media. For a list of Divisional Social Media pages, click here.


Kristin Dyck

Communications Coordinator

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