Work Experience Programming

RAP Program

Senior high school students have the opportunity to earn up to 40 high school credits and gain on-the-job experience toward an apprenticeship program through the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP).

How it Works

Students can work in a trade of their choice part-time during the whole school year, for a semester, on weekends and holidays, or through the summer. As they work they will earn wages and up to 40 high school credits. RAP students can also earn on-the-job apprenticeship hours.

For more information, visit the Apprenticeship and Industry Training website.

Green Certificate Program

The Green Certificate Program provides trainees with opportunities to enter a variety of agriculture-related, structured learning pathways as a part of their senior high school program and to earn up to 16 Grade 12 diploma credits and a credential that could lead to a career in agriculture or agri-business.

Students learn on the worksite, under the direction of experienced farm personnel and under the supervision and administration of their high school’s Off-Campus Education Coordinator and their Green Certificate Regional Coordinator. The Green Certificate Program oversees all aspects of program delivery. (Source: Alberta Government).

Areas of Specialization include:

  • Beekeeper production
  • Cow Calf Beef Production
  • Poultry Production
  • Field Crop Production
  • and many more...

Students must be at least 15 years old and at least Grade 10 to apply. Interested students can speak with their school principal for more information.

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