Updated Personal-Owned Devices & Social Media Procedures

As you may already be aware, the Minister of Education issued a ministerial order at the end of the last school year setting provincial standards for the use of personal mobile devices in schools. The order ensures that all schools across the province have consistent guidelines to help students focus on learning while also considering their safety and communication needs. You can view the full Ministerial Order here.
In response, the Peace River School Division has updated their pre-existing Administrative Procedure having to do with PODs (AP-145) and social media (AP-146) Below I have summarized a few key points for you.
When Can Students Use Their Devices?
- Students are welcome to use their devices before and after school and during breaks. To help students focus on their learning, we ask that devices be turned off and stored away during class time and school events like assemblies.
Special Considerations
- For our youngest learners in Kindergarten through Grade 6, principals may set additional rules to limit device use during breaks to encourage social interaction and physical activity.
- The school Principal may approve exceptions if a personal device is needed to support the delivery of programming, or to support unique medical or educational needs.
Privacy Matters
- Students should not use their devices in places where privacy is expected, such as washrooms or changing rooms. It’s also important that they do not take photos or videos of others without their permission. Students and staff are responsible for the content on their devices, so we encourage everyone to use them responsibly.
Social Media Access
Please be aware that all social media platforms will be inaccessible on all PRSD networks during school hours. However, if your child has a data plan on their personal device, they may be able to bypass these filters. We encourage parents to monitor their child’s data usage to ensure they are using their devices responsibly. Students who bypass the Division’s filters to use social media during school hours will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
What Happens If These Rules Aren’t Followed?
We believe in teaching our students about responsibility and respect, so if the guidelines aren’t followed, students may be subject to a series of disciplinary actions.
- First Offense: The student is reminded of the expectations regarding the use of PODs.
- Second Offense: The POD will be confiscated and securely stored until the end of the school day, at which point it will be returned to the student.
- Third Offense: The POD will be confiscated and securely stored. A parent or guardian will be notified and required to retrieve the POD from the school.
- Subsequent Offenses: The POD will be confiscated and securely stored. A parent or guardian will be notified and required to retrieve the POD from the school. Additionally, the student will receive an in-school or out-of-school suspension.
Please note that each school may have more specific rules and consequences tailored to their student community. We encourage you to review these details with your school. Additionally, it is important to note that the school will not be responsible for any lost or damaged devices.
Questions or Concerns?
We’re here to support your child’s learning success, and we understand you might have questions or concerns about this policy. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your school principal if you would like to discuss this further.