Trustees give Consideration to Dixonville School Closure or Program Alteration

The Peace River School Division Board of Trustees voted, in accordance with Section 4 of Board Policy 15: School and Program Viability, to undertake consideration of school closure or program alteration of Dixonville School.
During the March 13 regular board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Jeff Thompson presented the Board with the Dixonville School Viability Report. This report provided the Board with a thorough review of the relevant details regarding the future viability of the small, rural school including historic and future enrollment numbers and projections, staffing implications, building maintenance costs, transportation and technology requirements. Following the presentation of the report, the Board of Trustees held a roundtable discussion regarding their next steps.
Trustee David Rushton then put forward the motion to move ahead with consideration of the closure or program alteration at Dixonville School. This motion was unanimously supported by the Board of Trustees.
Important Links and Information
Access the Dixonville School Viability Report, Board Policy 15, and/or be redirected to a contact form to submit written feedback to the Board through Communications Coordinator Kristin Dyck, using the links below.
Dixonville School Viability Report
Board Policy 15: School And Program Viability
Letter to Parents and Community Stakeholders
Submit written feedback to the board