Board Meeting Highlights: March 13, 2025

Consideration for Dixonville School Closure or Program Alteration
The Peace River School Division Board of Trustees have voted, in accordance with Section 4 of Board Policy 15: School and Program Viability, to undertake consideration of school closure or program alteration of Dixonville School. During the March 13 regular board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Jeff Thompson presented the Board with the Dixonville School Viability Report. This report provided the Board with a thorough review of the relevant details regarding the future viability of the small, rural school including historic and future enrollment numbers and projections, staffing implications, building maintenance costs, transportation and technology requirements. Following the presentation of the report, the Board of Trustees held a roundtable discussion regarding their next steps.
Trustee David Rushton then put forward the motion to move ahead with consideration of the closure or program alteration at Dixonville School. This motion was unanimously supported by the Board of Trustees.
Public Meeting at Dixonville School
The Board of Trustees directed the Superintendent to work with staff to organize the date and time for a public meeting as per Board Policy 15: School and Program Viability.
2025-2028 Capital Plan
The Board approved their 2025-2028 capital plan. This plan includes three areas of priority for the Division, including pre-planning funding for a value scoping session in both the towns of Fairview and Peace River, as well as pre-planning funding for a value scoping session and modernization of Worsley Central School. To view the 2025-2028 Peace River School Division Capital Plan, click HERE.
Bus Purchases
The Board of Trustees approved the purchase of a minimum of six, and up to eight, 70-passenger diesel school buses and one wheelchair lift equipped bus with two wheelchair spots. The quote for six large buses and one wheelchair bus was approximately $1.27 million. During their discussion on the bus tenders, the Trustees spoke about the sharp increase in the cost of replacing buses over the last four years. The 2025 quotes for new buses were 67% higher than in 2021.
The PRSD utilizes an evergreen program to ensure their fleet of buses remain in excellent working condition. On average, the Division replaces buses as they reach 10 years of age, taking into account the overall condition of the bus.
Draft Alternate Calendar for Menno Simons Community School
The Board reviewed a draft 2025-2026 School Year Calendar for Menno Simons Community School. Once approved, this calendar represents the third consecutive year the Board of Trustees have provided the Cleardale school with an alternate calendar. This initiative was intended to boost enrollment at Menno Simons Community School, and will be reviewed following the third year of implementation.
New MACS Trades Centre
At the February meeting of the Board of Trustees, a discussion regarding the renaming of the Manning Bus Garage took place. Suggestions for the name were provided by Trustees and then presented to the Administrative staff at Manning Elementary School for feedback. Following this process, it was presented to the Board for approval at their March meeting that the Manning Bus Garage should be renamed, the MACS Trades Centre. MACS is the new moniker for Manning’s new school, Manning Aurora Composite School.
HVAC System Upgrades at Central Operations
In April, 2024, the Board of Trustees approved an HVAC replacement project at the Central Operations building in Grimshaw. When the project went out to tender, Secretary-Treasurer Rhonda Freeman said the Division received just one bid, which came in higher than expected largely because of costs associated with sourcing materials. Freeman said she worked closely with both the engineering firm and the contractor to renegotiate the bid price, ensuring the new system matched the needs of the building’s utilization. These negotiations resulted in a new quote of approximately $785,100 plus GST.