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Board Meeting Highlights - December 19, 2024

Election 2025

Peace River School Division Board of Trustees elections will take place on Monday, October 20, 2025, along with municipal elections. In preparation, the Board of Trustees have appointed Secretary/Treasurer Rhonda Freeman as the returning officer and Executive Assistant Chris Warne as the substitute returning officer. 

The nomination period opens on January 2, 2025 and runs through to September 22, 2025, with the deadline to submit nomination papers being noon on September 22, 2025.

Bylaw 1-2024: Third Reading

The Board of Trustees approved third reading of Bylaw 1-2024, which puts into place the requirement for all individuals who are planning to submit a nomination package for the upcoming election to also submit a current criminal record check. The bylaw further stipulates that the criminal record check must have been issued no earlier than four weeks prior to the date the nomination is submitted. The board previously provided first and second reading of this bylaw at their special meeting, held on December 4. 

Capital Projects Update

Secretary/Treasurer Freeman provided the Board of Trustees with an update on the Division’s current capital projects. 

Manning Aurora Composite School: In Manning, construction of the new school building is on-going. While the scheduled date of completion is set for the end of January, Freeman said she expected that date to be pushed a little further into the new year to allow for final inspections and work on any identified deficiencies. 

Once the elementary students are moved into the new school, the abatement process at Manning Elementary School will begin in short order, followed by the demolition of the building. Once the demolition of MES has begun, the same process will begin at Paul Rowe Jr./Sr. High School. The High School students are expected to finish the current school year in the Paul Rowe building before moving into Manning Aurora Composite School in September, 2025.

Red Earth Creek School: Freeman reported to the board that a change to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) requirements for all school buildings in Alberta has caused a delay in the planning process. Following the signing of the schematic design for the new school building by all involved parties, the PRSD was made aware of the amendment to the LEED requirements. The PRSD is continuing to work with the Architect, Alberta Education, and Alberta Infrastructure on the design plans. 

Happy Holidays

The Board of Trustees hosted and enjoyed a lunch with the staff at Central Operations on December 19 in preparation for the upcoming holiday season. 

The Board wishes to express their gratitude to the entirety of the staff at the PRSD for their ongoing commitment to providing a first-class educational experience to students in the Peace Country. We hope you are able to find some time to rest and recharge and we wish everyone a happy winter holiday.

Dec 19, 2024 2024-2025 Board Meeting Highlights

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