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Administrators Association discusses Draft Anti-Racism Policy

On Wednesday, June 5, Administrators from across the Division gathered at Central Operations in Grimshaw for the final Administrators Association meeting of the school year. During this meeting, the Administrators heard from members of the PRSD Anti-Racism Committee. Over the last three years, this committee has worked hard to provide valuable input on an anti-racism policy for the Division.

The Committee is made up of three Trustees, three teachers, two administrators, two support staff, Superintendent Adam Murray, Secretary-Treasurer Rhonda Freeman, and Indigenous Education Coordinator Holly Crumpton.

"I feel I can speak for the committee when I say we all feel very confidently in presenting this policy that we've done the hard work," said Committee Co-Chair Kristina Seerey. "The greatest challenge for me, as a diverse member, myself, as a visible minority, when the committee was created, I wanted the policy out that door that day . . . so the hardest part for me was to trust the process. To allow the time that was needed to properly develop a policy that could stand some thread pulling was important."

The draft Anti-Racism Policy is now available for public review and will be in front of the Board of Trustees for second reading at the June meeting, schedule for June 20.

During the Administrators Association Meeting, it was noted that the committee really took their time to ensure the Anti-Racism Policy would be an enhancement to, or extension of, the existing Policy 19: Safe and Caring Schools. 

Following the presentation from the committee members, Administrators were asked to brainstorm in smaller groups how they might implement the policy at their own schools. In the coming weeks, the Division will communicate more information about anti-racism strategies across the Division.

Jun 5, 2024 Administrator's Association Anti-Racism Policy Board of Trustees

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