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December 21 Special Meeting Highlights: Trustee Moise Dion censured

Trustee Code of Conduct Hearing

On December 21, the Board of Trustees held a special meeting, in camera, to review investigation report findings from a third-party independent investigator. When the board came out of camera, a motion was approved to accept these findings. The Board of Trustees then initiated a Trustee Code of Conduct Hearing.

As a result of that hearing, and in accordance with Policy 4 - Appendix: Trustee Code of Conduct Sanctions, the Board of Trustees have chosen to censure Ward 4 (Peace River, rural Peace River, Grimshaw, Shaftesbury) Trustee Moise Dion until at least September 1, 2024, upon the following conditions:

  1. That Trustee Dion will only be allowed to attend Board meetings virtually until the censure is purged.
  2. That the Board chair will recognize Trustee Dion and all questions are directed only to the Board Chair regarding any matter before the board of trustees.
  3. That Trustee Dion will not be permitted to attend any public functions until the censure is purged or at the discretion of the Board Chair.
  4. That Trustee Dion will not be permitted to attend any school events until the censure is purged.
  5. That Trustee Dion will be removed from all committees until the censure is purged.
  6. That Trustee Dion’s email will be blocked from sending emails to anyone except the Board Chair, other members of the Board of Trustees, and the Superintendent of Schools, in accordance with board policy. Trustee Dion will continue to be able to receive emails, which he can then address through the Board Chair, or Superintendent of Schools.
  7. That Trustee Dion shall participate in mediation and / or training and cause for a positive report to be issued to the attention of the Board Chair to be shared with the Board of Trustees regarding the mediation process.
  8. That Trustee Dion take training related to governance matters.

Following the hearing, the Board moved that Board Chair Crystal Owens is authorized to issue written reasons for the censure on behalf of the Board of Trustees to Trustee Dion.

As this is a legal matter, no further comment will be made.

Dec 22, 2023 2023-2024 Board Meeting Highlights

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